
$0.0062 USD $0.00 (-15.06%)
As of Nov 12, 2024 10:55 PM UTC

DigiByte Difficulty

at Block 20,327,460
634.86 M

DigiByte Difficulty Chart

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The DigiByte difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical DigiByte difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current DigiByte block.

Current DigiByte Difficulty

The current DGB difficulty is 634.86 M at block 20,327,460, resulting in a DigiByte mining difficulty increase of 280.07% in the last 24 hours.

Current DigiByte Difficulty
634.86 M

The DigiByte difficulty chart plots the DigiByte difficulty target over time and the current DigiByte difficulty (DGB diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing DGB mining difficulty chart values with DigiByte difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

DigiByte Difficulty Increase

The DGB mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is 280.07% at block 20,327,460 on the DigiByte blockchain network. In the last 7 days the DigiByte difficulty increase was 337.20%, with the increase in the last 30 days being 285.58%, and the last 90 days is 150.87%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
DigiByte Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 20,327,460
Last DigiByte block mined
Current DigiByte Difficulty
DigiByte Difficulty Algorithm is Scrypt

The DigiByte difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the DigiByte difficulty graph.

DigiByte Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date DigiByte Difficulty Level
11/12/2024 228,125,394.36322436
11/11/2024 167,036,621.79366133
11/10/2024 170,017,430.99270682
11/09/2024 208,277,261.56486556
11/08/2024 170,150,595.44364739
11/07/2024 157,535,634.86871950
11/06/2024 178,347,634.96311274
11/05/2024 145,208,022.05470147
11/04/2024 163,988,540.55444960
11/03/2024 154,627,078.01551051
11/02/2024 144,104,924.66375553
11/01/2024 197,195,164.42013845
10/31/2024 139,476,389.75261895
10/30/2024 151,299,747.75031200
10/29/2024 163,233,758.09012411
10/28/2024 177,730,629.96291387
10/27/2024 184,513,795.74830060
10/26/2024 168,029,993.49173281
10/25/2024 193,426,367.31817288
10/24/2024 127,549,796.92889839
10/23/2024 168,749,888.54213861
10/22/2024 158,924,758.49307211
10/21/2024 172,842,211.19275360
10/20/2024 178,838,379.50207736
10/19/2024 198,199,636.99274427
10/18/2024 165,582,092.60637199
10/17/2024 174,840,217.18991780
10/16/2024 171,608,559.05619899
10/15/2024 151,229,594.52806215
10/14/2024 189,054,850.55949780
10/13/2024 164,651,447.85789823
10/12/2024 178,979,152.31994211
10/11/2024 192,587,186.09873795
10/10/2024 187,844,458.80269349
10/09/2024 239,703,517.70607233
10/08/2024 206,325,291.08117431
10/07/2024 222,142,744.48858138
10/06/2024 221,002,037.52590618
10/05/2024 167,677,398.20348578
10/04/2024 189,681,301.78192955
10/03/2024 150,407,186.36096052
10/02/2024 208,233,203.99000886
10/01/2024 217,375,873.29077692
09/30/2024 219,492,558.14615130
09/29/2024 181,220,921.75636653
09/28/2024 176,518,718.27892542
09/27/2024 201,042,295.32212387
09/26/2024 202,516,092.18007291
09/25/2024 214,644,081.83170483
09/24/2024 206,714,361.16616425
09/23/2024 187,728,446.28197900
09/22/2024 195,614,760.03573302
09/21/2024 162,318,584.76405695
09/20/2024 151,130,884.13941146
09/19/2024 145,571,613.09006469
09/18/2024 184,911,968.70939613
09/17/2024 175,768,369.66200550
09/16/2024 209,593,775.96438486
09/15/2024 195,840,699.97722705
09/14/2024 221,685,590.28024397
09/13/2024 203,888,320.52507638
09/12/2024 163,767,488.48641182
09/11/2024 199,180,637.39268455
09/10/2024 245,646,890.94535706
09/09/2024 250,984,684.10224110
09/08/2024 187,238,868.33003165
09/07/2024 236,573,269.24619251
09/06/2024 176,600,128.98403464
09/05/2024 182,660,585.65741897
09/04/2024 186,491,916.88266030
09/03/2024 166,296,754.40962572
09/02/2024 190,948,181.27956073
09/01/2024 160,954,984.51694088
08/31/2024 218,400,769.56172872
08/30/2024 206,054,234.30276185
08/29/2024 182,336,110.78858278
08/28/2024 215,087,804.83674584
08/27/2024 225,907,447.17640048
08/26/2024 184,804,079.35681901
08/25/2024 188,934,475.21840987
08/24/2024 208,319,395.48559185
08/23/2024 265,833,590.48075738
08/22/2024 228,544,712.05533949
08/21/2024 175,234,163.13222421
08/20/2024 173,800,766.94685211
08/19/2024 259,438,503.98815964
08/18/2024 220,196,412.70657974
08/17/2024 271,122,903.53977203
08/16/2024 269,903,260.70793194
08/15/2024 208,669,251.00902417
08/14/2024 253,065,847.94910539
08/13/2024 165,458,074.25542566
08/12/2024 179,875,862.09263577
08/11/2024 208,156,011.51180322
08/10/2024 225,078,472.13631315
08/09/2024 190,374,503.57500437
08/08/2024 222,451,083.31118195
08/07/2024 193,429,692.00648283
08/06/2024 184,612,414.01343674
08/05/2024 205,806,925.85992451
08/04/2024 233,655,283.25933237
08/03/2024 194,244,408.30874831
08/02/2024 171,346,629.61544411
08/01/2024 165,332,893.82777962
07/31/2024 214,971,343.80939463
07/30/2024 195,242,086.69269486
07/29/2024 171,159,220.93742860
07/28/2024 179,405,982.32870760
07/27/2024 190,060,686.52263658
07/26/2024 240,592,949.93270524
07/25/2024 167,774,426.37836850
07/24/2024 188,099,224.20833096
07/23/2024 200,459,668.73313584
07/22/2024 215,538,964.38110757
07/21/2024 242,991,453.18861351
07/20/2024 218,642,964.01594160
07/19/2024 170,288,128.49877516
07/18/2024 166,133,073.88357445
07/17/2024 174,939,444.58243950
07/16/2024 209,358,355.22065865
07/15/2024 158,073,824.03601279

What is DigiByte difficulty?

DigiByte mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of DigiByte mining.

DigiByte difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next DigiByte block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the DigiByte difficulty chart above, the DigiByte Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the DigiByte mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the DGB mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total DigiByte network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in DigiByte difficulty adjustments up and down, use our DigiByte mining calculator to calculate DigiByte mining profits.